Saturday, October 24, 2015

Memphis, sire to Rogue's litter

Thank you so much  Jill Brennan and Eleesa Markham for supplying these great photos of their very handsome  Memphis!

A boy of good substance and correct form, we are proud to see him joined to the Blackbullet lines of dogs. Thank you owners and breeders for allowing the use of Memphis for this breeding!

We look forward to seeing his great attributes coming forward into his offspring!  

 Contact for  information on this breeding is through JoAnne Weldon - email 

This litter will be born in Oregon, USA. 

 The breeders are Jill Brennan and JoAnne Weldon.

Great companion homes willing to show and/or field work the dogs are always considered. Some outstanding companion only placements may also be considered. 



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