Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bentley's visit

Bentley, bred by Sylvia Dorosh of Varazs Vizslas came to visit us for Christmas holidays.  At about 18 months of age, he is such a loving and funny pup, we have a great time with him. Our Sydney and Jewel may have ruled the house the first few days he was here but he guickly learned how to get some of the best spots for hugging and the best toys for chewing and carrying. We loved having him with us.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bentley comes to play for 2 weeks

Bentley has come to visit for a couple of weeks. He and our Sydney quickly became fast friends. Bently will be 2 in May and Sydney turns 2 tomorrow. Bentley was bred by Sylvia Dorosh of Varazs Vizslas who also bred Sydney's Grandmother Amber. Bentley is on the right in the photo above and immediately below.


Bentley caught in a moment of rest and licking snow from his face.


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