Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 of our 8 month old litter at NAVHDA test

Introducing Blackbullet's Waltzing Matilda NAVHDA NA and Blackbullet Jewel's Kurri NAVHDA NA

'Thank you so much' goes to professional photographer Barna Tanko of Calgary Alberta for taking and providing these photos of my 3 - 8 month old Vizslas who ran their NAVHDA Natural Ability tests in August 2011. Barna is also one of the owners of the sire to the litter, Blaze, pictured below on the right with his son Sam.

Barna spent 2 full days walking the fields taking photos of all the dogs running their test.

Below, Blaze on left is sire to Sam on the right and the other two pups featured in this blog page.

Below Sam takes a look during his field work test

Below Sam on point during test

Sam with his owner and test handler Randy during the post swim examination.

Sam finishing his swim retrieves during test.

Sam caught in action during field search of test.

Ridley head shot at test

Ridley on point on field search part of test

Ridley on his water retrieve part of test

Ridley during post swim examination stage of test.

Sydney head shot at test

Sydney finishing her water retrieves

Sydney during her post swim examination

Thank you again Barna Tanko, professional photographer, for these shots of the dogs on this very special day.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ridley visited for a few days

Ridley, red collar, 2010 litter, came for a few days and caught up on his hugs from Grandpa Wes. Sydney, chewing her bone, was not always impressed with sharing her 'Dad's' time and hugs but the pups had a great time playing together.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ridley comes to visit for a few days

Ridley on the left and Sydney on the right March 8.

Lovely Ridley watching his Grandpa Remmie.

Ridley and littermate Sydney play March 8.

Ridley is visiting for days and has fallen in love with his Grandpa Remmie..he just sits and watches him and then follow him around - so cute.


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