Monday, March 30, 2015

3 generations of Vizslas photo

 July 2007
From left to right

Remmie, born 2000, AmCan Ch. Legacy's Leaps and Bounds 

Jewel, born 2004, daughter to Remmie and Amber (extreme left and extreme right), Ch. Blackbullet Varazs Legacy NAVHDA NA 

Kati, born 2007, daughter to  Jewel, Ch. Blackbullet Hudson's Touch NAVHDA NA

Amber, born 1998, Ch. Varazs On Point at Blackbullet.

3 generations of Vizslas watching the Muskrats on the other side of the fence. 

This past weekend it was wonderful to watch Quinn, - born 2012,  son to Kati, Blackbullet's Mighty Quinn NAVHDA NA run the show ring..representing the 4th generation. 

We have truely been blessed.   



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