Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Amy from our 2004 litter welcomed another Irish Wolfhound to their home over the Christmas holidays. This pup's name is Keeva.

 Amy with her first  Irish Wolfhound house mate Simon  December 2013.

 Hailee from our 2010 litter celebrates Christmas at home above and with Santa below. 

Cayo was bred by a friend but we consider him one of ours. Below he relaxes in Thunder Bay in December 2013. Cayo is relocating to Texas in 2014. We will really miss that family!

Below Cayo joined Hailee from our 2010 litter and another Vizsla friend Coco for some winter romps in Thunder Bay in December 2013.

Thank you Darren,
Anna and Jennifer for sharing these great photos!



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