Monday, September 30, 2013

Vizsla get together

 6 Vizslas gathered  at an off leash park this weekend. 5 are Blackbullet vizslas.  From left to right is Finn (2012 litter male), Blue (2012 litter male), Sam (2010 litter male ) Cayo (  2012 male  not our litter) Angus (2012 litter male) and Teaka ( 2012 litter female).

 Thank you so much Sheila for sending these photos to us so we could share in the joy of having them all together to run and play!

Cayo, standing sideways is a week older than our 2012 litter and was bred by Dean Orosz.  It is his brother Zoro who is available for placement now.  Please check the next posting on this blog for  more information.



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