Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wonderful gift from Abe Suclin and Scot Scheideman

On the way to NAVHDA test day, one of our puppy owners picked me up..and started a wonderful test weekend with a great surprise.  This breath taking photo of Quinn, from our 2012 litter, who was on his way to his field test with us, was taken during a recent training day and reproduced by photographer  Scot Scheideman. Quinn's owner Abe got it framed and Abe presented it to me. It means so much to us, it is hard to really express our great appreciation! The quality on the photo is so wonderful one can read the phone number on Quinn's dog tag and see all the details of the pheasants on his dog collar!

Thank you, thank you..this will be a  treasure in our home! It really brings a big smile to my face every time I look at it; it brings Quinn into my arms and my heart just that quickly. Now I have to find the perfect place to hang it!



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