Friday, May 17, 2013

Rogue (2012 litter) and friends

Rayna Brandon took this great photo of some of  the community of dogs her dogs get to enjoy.

 Included on the left is Rogue ( yellow collar) from our 2012 litter and her housemate Vizsla Bond who belong to Lisa Bender.  While all the other dogs look fairly happy, Rogue certainly has a look that makes one wonder what she was thinking; what a funny look baby girl!

Congratulations to those who got the dogs to line up long enough to get this photo!

Each of the dogs is so  beautiful and so attentive. It looks like they have enjoyed a great play time.

Rogue and Bond both have days in the field this weekend so we wish them all the best.

Thank you Rayna for sharing this wonderful  shot of the dogs and for letting us use it here; it really means a lot to us. 



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