Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rogue with a Birthday greeting

Rogue (2012) litter sent this birthday wish for me today..what a wonderful gift! Thank you so much Rogue and all your assistants who helped you with this very  special messge.

What a smart and beautiful girl you are!

I really appreciate all the thought and effort that went into this...thank you again!

Wishing everyone a very merry St. Patrick's Day!


UrbanBodi said...

Happy Birthday, Sherryanne!

Vizsla said...

Thank you..hope you had a good St. Paddie's Day too

Sylvia said...

Just squeaking this Birthday Greeting in before the end of the day, I hope! Happy Birthday Sherryanne & hope you had a wonderful celebration, including a bit of Irish culture! (Or not!) :-)

Vizsla said...

Thank you Syliva..still waiting for the beer but it was a very nice day ..thank you.


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