Friday, February 13, 2015

Sam from our 2010 litter has come to stay for a few days

I try to not get carried away with photos of dogs visiting but this time I am going to break that rule. Since Sam  came yesterday to stay for a few days, our Sydney has come back to us..what a blessing, what a joy, we are so lucky. To see her play and jump and bark makes my heart sing and my eyes cry all at the same time.  The passing  of her mother Jewel just ripped the joy from her it seemed and although she had gotten  better over time, we had  not seen her act like Sydney..running and jumping, barking and  playing..such a joy for life is now back in her. 

Sam keeping the toy from Sydney last night. She used every bit of body language to try to get him to give it back to her. He just kept watching the show and keeping the toy!

Sam, brother to Sydney is staying with us for a few days. He is such a lovely boy in his looks and in his temperament. 

Sam on point enjoying the warm weather today.

Sydney and Sam playing..Sydney so full of joy, in the warm winter sun today. Tears and smiles as I watched these two Vizsla play. 



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