Friday, July 27, 2012

On the day and the eve before their 3 week birthday, the pups play hard

Since the pups birth the whelping box  has had a tented side and an more open side under the heat lamp and the entry to the box.
This gives the pups and Kati the choice of being in the shade and completely enclosed or under the heat light with no top and the entry side open or as Kati seems to like to do sometimes, have her head in the shade and her body under the heat light.

Red and yellow on the heat lamp side right by the open entry step in while 3 others are under the enclosed shaded side.
Pup really starting the interactive play times. Lots of noise accompanies these very short play times.

It makes me smile so much when I look at those beautiful eyes and Orange taking a commanding position in some  play.

Below, what does Green's body language  suggest..he is trying to look so powerful..front legs planted, back legs ready to push off in the play attack...nose held high..

In the photo below, if I read the body language on that one pup and then imagine the growling and hissing going on between those two in the photo ..too funny.  Let me tell you, they were very vocal.

1 Comment:

Jon Glover said...

Great to see them grow and develop. This blog is a great idea. Keep up the great work


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